NOTICE: This is old, but hey, why not:
Warframe is a free to play game released by Digital Extremes, a studio that also made my favorite monster game, The Darkness II. Warframe is third person co-op only shooter, with emphasis on your warframe, weapons and abilities. You can go it alone, or with a group of 4. I find it to be a really fun romp and delightful to play a game where I don't get pwned by more experienced and wealthy players.
Graphics: The graphics look great, and on my laptop run pretty decently. I have a g105m gfx card and it still managed to get a good frame rate on med to low. Protip: turn down or turn off the shadows, as they are expensive. I could clearly see my path, objectives and enemies. The environments are a little muddy and kind of difficult to see where I'm going. While crisp level design is confusing.
Sound: I find it funny that an alien race that is attacking another alien race, speaks English, and well too. The gun sounds are decent, but since it's an alien species and they have alien weaponry, it's hard to pin down where it's good or not. It's at least audible when I fire my gun, and weapons have different sounds to them. It's all good.
Gameplay: Game play is really good. Movement and shooting are smooth, you can dodge, sprint and use your sword abilities. These sword attacks are what make Warframe stand out, but not by much. You can slash your way through waves of enemies, or shoot them instead. There are classes of characters but I didn't get to really choose. All I know is that I'm playing a Loki class, which is stealth based.
Overall: It's a good F2P, co-op game. It's not the best, compared to games like PlanetSide 2, but it's a great distraction. It's free to play so I don't see a reason not to give it a try.
Anyway, back to work!! :D
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