Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spec Ops: The Line = Fuck. This. Game!!!

This game sucks!!!  It's not because it was bad; no it was well made and played well, even with its hiccups.  It's not because of the story, I found it engaging and well thought out.  I think this game sucks because all it insults the gamers who play it.  Who does that? Who sits there and insults the fan-base of their product with that product?  If you went to a play, and the actor was screaming out that you are a monster for watching the play you paid for, and the one he's in, then you'd be upset too.
I would've respected it more if it did it in a more respectful way.  I heard the author of the script isn't really a gamer, so fuck you(if true).  Metal Gear Solid always a political agenda stating how war is wrong, and how video games may lead to a disillusion of war, but it does it respectfully toward the gamer.  Also, it's a stealth game where you avoid the enemy at all costs!! So if you're on a murder rampage, it's your own fault and psyche.  Spec Ops just makes you play a run of the mill military shooter and blames you for being an ass.  Hey, creator, you do realize this is fake, right? You do understand the human propensity  towards violence, right, and how video games can satiate that need without actual doing it, right?  Most violent criminals in prison are disadvantage youths, I should know I grew up with them.  And not a single one plays video games at all. They're attention lies elsewhere.
Back to my point, like I said, I liked everything up until it started to insult the gamer.  That was unnecessary and downright mean toward the people who you are selling to.  I know the consumer is not the brightest tool in the shed, but at least most companies try to stroke the ego.  Smart companies try to, at least, give you a reach around while fucking you in the ass!!
Since I develop games, I will make a personal effort to insult the creators of this piece of shit.  An injustice like this cannot go unpunished.

P.S. I know about the true injustices that happen around the world in the Africa, Burma, Israel.  My question is to you who may judge me harsely for this post is, "THE FUCK YOU DOING ABOUT IT?!!"

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